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How can we maintain our sanity in a world (still) run by crooks (idiots)?

Saturday 3rd August 10:00am

The Pavilion, Central Park, Peterborough


What if the paranormal is actually normal? Belief in ghosts crops up in many traditions, surely there must be some basis

Saturday 6th January in the Pavilion in the Park

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Taster of upcoming Cambridge Foundation course

Friends Meeting House, 91-93 Hartington Grove, Cambridge CB1 7UB

Thursday 11th January

Events Programme

The School of Philosophy Cambridge holds indoor, outdoor and online events across Cambridgeshire every month. Have a browse below to see which one fires your curiosity, then register and get ready to enjoy Philosophical conversation with like-minded people in a pleasant and friendly setting.

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Blue Jeans, Economics and Philosophy

Saturday 11th January

Grantchester Village Hall

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Second Saturday Philosophy

February 11th

Orchaerd Tearoom


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Next year?

Any topic suggestions?

Please let us know

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